Saturday, May 25, 2013

a few housekeeping items ...

Bonjour, Readers!

1.  I'm looking for new questions for my Saturday column "a little bird told me." So here's my shpeal:

 Do you have a question, Dear Heart? Don't be shy! Don't hesitate to ask - about life, the Bible, faith, God ... anything really. (Okay that last one was scary - but since I'm trusting Him to help me, I'll leave it.) Just post your question in the comments below, or email them to me at . I'll keep you anonymous, and you can sign your letter however you like (i.e. Curious-About-Jesus or Needing-Some-Guidance-in-Revelation).  Just put "a little bird told me" in the subject line. Won't you be brave enough to ask, too? I'll bet you're not the only one wondering! 

2. I'll be posting more about this on Tuesday, but this entire week, we have an opportunity to take our resources and use them to fight injustice. I got this from the Exodus Road this week:

We have a story and a project for you today. Our team in SE Asia recently met with the local police responsible for cases of trafficking in a particular city where sexual slavery is rampant. These are trusted officials who are overwhelmed with the flourishing sex trade in their area. So overwhelmed, in fact, that they handed our investigative team over 40 live cases of pedophilia and the underage sex industry and asked for their help.

Check out the sidebar for information about how to give via your smartphone or via the link. It's easy-peasy, and they're doing all the hard parts. So why wouldn't we help?

3. I would delight to hear what you're learning from God and His Word. I always get to share lots of that here with you, but I want you to tell me what you've learned recently too.  Please leave me a comment - today or any time. I love to hear from my readers!

That's all for today, since I'm here in NC enjoying my sweet niece, relatives, and my wonderful Guy of 13 years on Monday. I'm so thankful for him, and all these gifts!

In His Hand [always],



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