Tuesday, November 12, 2013

One More Day - Hire an Investigator, Rescue a Slave {25 by my 35th Challenge}

[I] should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ - Acts 20:35 (NLT)

Okay, then - I'll remember. 

This week, when I turn 35, I'll remember that. I don't want to receive anything special, but I DO want to give something pivotal. 


And I want you to help me. Give with me. Forget about receiving a few dollars a month, and be blessed.  When you give to this cause, it's a blessing that doesn't stop with you - it results in rescue. Slaves broken free of their chains and delivered into safe houses. Lives with a new start. No longer bound to violence, rape, brutality, coercion, or daily death threats. Boys, Girls, Women, even Men - free. 

If you could share freedom, would you? 

You can, Dear Reader. Today - you can be a part of a Search and Rescue Team. And you can be more blessed than when you received freedom by giving it to someone. 

And you can get texts like I get when it happens. Messages like this one:

Ugandan Girl FREE! In India, BRAVO team rescued pregnant trafficked woman.

Ready for this? It's the last day before Robyn's Challenge is over, and I'm not lying - I'd rather give freedom away than receive any gift for my 35th Birthday. Will you join my team of rescuers?

I want true life for you. The same life I felt rushing through me when I got my S&R package in the mail from The Exodus Road. The same life I felt exploding in me when I read that a slave was rescued, her virginity kept as a choice for her future and hope. The very same life pulsing when I pray for my investigators to have victory over evil whenever I see my stickers and key-chain and magnets with these words:

So here's my audacious goal, but feel free to blow me away, friends. 

I want 25 by my 35th.  

Twenty-five brave partners by the day I turn 35. It's just a few short hours away, but I believe in God and His miraculous freedom and love for each one. For you, Sweet One. For her. For humanity. Here's how.

Robyn's Challenge: Join my Team. Hire an investigator. Rescue a slave. It really is that simple.

  1. Check out how Search and Rescue works, and decide which team you want to be on. Alpha and Delta are in SE Asia, Bravo is in India, and Charlie is here in the US. (Also, if you want to know how TER manages the money we give, check this out.)
  2. Fill out the Donation Form, and use the resources God has blessed you with to fund rescue and freedom with The Exodus Road. For $35 a month (less than the cost of a new pair of jeans), you can hire a team of investigators and be a part of giving freedom to women and children trapped in the clutches of their traffickers. These people bust brothels, pedophiles, and trafficking rings, and bring justice. For Real. Please don't forget! Under the portion where it says "Additional information/Select Operating Project" PLEASE type a bird in the box. This is my code for my project -25 by my 35th.  For real - rescue is what I want for my birthday. Twenty-five of my readers and friends - on board to change the world. Listen - if by next November you aren't addicted to sharing freedom in this way, by all means opt out. I'm asking you to try it for just a year, though. I think it's worth it. For real.
  3. Please don't skip this part! Drop your name in the comments below, and tell me why you decided to be a part of bringing freedom to slaves. I'm going to be drawing a number (1-25 of the first readers who partner with me) out of a hat for a giveaway of Laura Parker's book, The Exodus Road, as well as a hand-made journal and a stack of my greeting cards. This is just an extra incentive and thank-you to my amazing readers who make this nest a place of God's joy. I'll contact you after my birthday to let you know you won, and get your mailing address. 
  4. Like and share this post on Facebook/retweet on Twitter/share with your social network via email, because I'll bet your friends care about slaves too. (There are some handy buttons for you right down there at the bottom.)
"If we are dying of thirst, passively reading books about water quenches little; the only way to quench the parched mouth is to close the book and dip the hand into water and bring it to the lips. If we thirst, we'll have to drink." - Ann Voskamp

Our world is thirsting for freedom. Humanity pants for justice. Let us partake of the Fountain, and then be the vessel that quenches freedom's thirst. 

Lord Jesus- You know, and You see. Please help me and my readers bring freedom and love to modern-day slaves. This is what You came for and whom you died for, and it's what we do when we follow You. Thank You - I'm so thankful to be a part of YOUR freedom-fighting team. Help us to keep fighting, until everyone is free. Amen

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