Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Human Trafficking: Why I'm still in the fight

My husband preaches about the beauty of a marriage bed's purity. Yes, God did create sex and sexuality for our delight and His. But only within the protected boundaries of marriage. People can argue against that, dance around it, or call it old-fashioned. Humans have been trying to usurp truth since the beginning, though. It has never worked for us.

Our family of four attends a home game of high school football, and during my favorite part, the halftime band performance, 15 year old girls in the band front dance as seductively as I've seen women dance on a pole at the strip club (where our church ladies visit to minister the Gospel to dancers and bouncers ... Yeah - you should ask me about the miracles God did there last week). Men ogle at at the girls on the field and a friend says she heard two of them behind her make creepy comments. My ten-year-old son watches this too.

In Brazil a seven-year-old girl is named carnival queen by her own father, the carnival president, who plans to parade her in front of lusting men for 80 minutes in the heat of Rio de Janiero. Thankfully, someone speaks up. 
It “would increase the treatment of children as sexual objects in Brazilian society,” said Carlos Nicodemos, director of the Rio de Janeiro state Council for the Defense of Children and Adolescents. “We can’t put a 7-year-old girl in a role that traditionally for Carnival has a very sexual focus.” (full article, though I don't recommend the page due to other racy ads around it)
An FBI sweep rescues over 100 minors from sexual slavery in the United States, and it is only scratching the surface of awareness. I thank God for 100 lives with a new chance at freedom, and I pray they will take it. Plead for them to receive restoration. Implore the Father for caring adults who will show these broken children a different Way. 

My Search and Rescue Team texts me updates from half a world away about raids, rescues, and investigations. Little girls with hopes and dreams, pigtails and ruffles on their dresses are raped and sold - their virginities auctioned off to the highest vile bidder. Some things the devil steals cannot be returned. But God can restore, and wants to use ordinary people like you and me to make it possible.

The gripping horror of what happens to women and children this very minute overwhelms me like a tidal wave and sometimes I wonder why I'm still fighting. I come back to the same answer every time I ask that same question. 

Because Jesus didn't give up on me. And I follow Him. So I can't give up either

This week I'd like you to pray about taking some ownership of the solution. Real rescue, real investigative teams. Your generous monthly gift, matched with mine and other readers of my musings in the nest - combined to fund the teams who bring hope and life to the darkest horror imaginable. For about a dollar a day, you can "Be the change you want to see." -Ghandi

"When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners." -Romans 5:6 (NLT)

He rescued us. Can we rescue them together, with His help? 

Think about it. Next Tuesday I'll tell you how to join up with my other readers for Robyn's Challenge to hire an investigator to rescue a slave. And maybe, like me, you'll get a text like this one:
"FREEDOM! 12 yr-old girl rescued early this morning! Her mom and pimp were selling her virginity for $2000 USD. BRAVO Team rescued her and arrested perpetrators."
Would you pray with me this week about whether God wants you to stay in the fight too?

Stay tuned, get me in your inbox, and join me next Tuesday for the challenge!

Oh yeah - one more reason I'm still in the fight? I know I'm on the winning team. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Robyn!
    This is such a terrific launch for people to engage with Search and Rescue in a meaningful way. Yes you are on a winning team, and I am proud to be on it with you!
    Keep going.
    ~ Kelley, The Exodus Road
