Thursday, November 8, 2012

when a habit becomes more

Last year I began counting things I was thankful to God for, and I can say it changed me.  What started as a habit and something I was doing carefully, deliberately, almost meticulously because I needed to ... became such a joy, such a thrill.  Today, as every day I count more and more ... and more.  I'm happy to share some of them you on Thankful on Thursdays here at the nest.  Join me?

-for new understanding today about Uzzah, and releasing my control to You once again.  I cannot save You.  Spill Your presence over me if You will - my hands are open.

- Jennifer - a kind voice and words on the other end of the line at the Dr.'s office

- hot apple cider and the warmth on my hands and lips and belly

-T and A - willing to take my sick son for a few hours while I work

- for my husband and the blessing of his faithful kindness - so much like You

- the scent of warm candles

- courage to face these issues again today.  You make me brave and I'm thankful

- the way You heal my children's scrapes and bruises, and that You let me be a part of that comfort

- for substitutes so I can go to the conference today and tomorrow

- for new wrinkles - evidence of laughter and smiles and joy and wisdom - ALL gifts from You, Father

- for a generous hostess tonight, and a new friend too

- for your grace, again

- for another beat of my heart, another breath in my lungs, another sunrise, another day.  I GET TO do this

Thank You Lord.  I can never say it enough.

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