Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankful on Thursdays {what a little gratitude can do}

Our hands can teach us amazing truths.

My mother taught my toddlers to count five fingers and five blessings every day. It's still a part of our bed-time ritual, even as they approach adolescence. 

Because gratitude opens our hands and our eyes to see God.

... chronic worry drives a wedge between us and God. ... Fortunately, we can banish fear and worry. I've seen the treatment work time and time again in the lives of my patients. They have shown me that a constant attitude of thanksgiving breaks the grip of fear. These patients, in addition to facing their own surgery, may have family members who are dying; they may have financial problems; or they may be struggling in a personal relationship. They're certainly sad at times as they grapple with the problems in their lives, but they're not worried. They're thankful for God, and they continually feel His presence. They are thankful for all of the ways He provides for them, including the surgery that will help them. Because of their faith, they can look beyond their struggles and see God at work. They have the same concerns and problems any of us face, but they choose not to worry. They choose to be thankful.   - James P. Gills, MD in Rx for Worry: A Thankful Heart

I couldn't say it better.  

Every day I count. Thursdays I share a few. Please feel free to glorify God by slipping a few of your own counted blessings in the comments section below. Because we can choose this.

- a little boy in a brown suit and striped beanie - dancing at the coffee shop

- fun studying spelling words in the car with J

- the variety of color on the trees this year- hills ablaze with leaves like a beautiful flame

- you are my Constant: like the guarantee of math concepts - always true, always the same, never unfaithful

- the "magic" of repentance and reconciliation - this, our ministry

- strength I need to stand my ground instead of clamming up or giving up

- K & J - pleasant and precious, every day

- for purchasing the right to be sovereign over me, with Your Blood. I give you the control you own again this morning

- adorable little girl with black hair and slanted eyes, enjoying a bagel and cream cheese, licking the creamy knife, all absorbed in her breakfast

- testimony of a friend, how You spoke to her through a song in church and put Your love on full display

- a Ugandan slave, rescued by my Bravo Team

- L opening up in my Life Group - being vulnerable, shedding tears, our sacred group becoming a safe place to share pain

- Your grace - enough. Even for this.

- J working hard with his sparring buddies at Jiu Jitsu 

- "Take control of what I say, O LORD, and guard my lips. Don't let me drift toward evil or take part in acts of wickedness. Don't let me share in the delicacies of those who do wrong." -Psalm 141:3-4 (NLT) ... and a poem through my hand - Your encouragement to keep me firm and strong.

- sunlight through the slats, making planks of gold on the table beside me

- "Life is worth the living, just because He lives

Thank You

Jesus - thank You for all of this I could never earn, never deserve, never be worthy of. Thank You for love, the source of Your great grace. Thank You for dispelling my worry and fear as I choose gratitude, and for teaching me how to cope with life's worry and pain this way until Your return. You have my all.

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