Some weeks I contemplate not doing any of it. It's so hard to force myself to look at this horror. It hurts to fill my mind with thoughts of children as young as four years old being raped in exchange for money (and often not even for exchange, but just as abuse). And if you've been with me for the past few months on Tuesdays, I know you're probably feeling the same way. Just to let you know, I have a passion to fight for abolition on the other days of the week too. My research has been nearly non-stop. And when I'm not researching, I'm often praying.
The truth is, as much as I want to take a break, God keeps calling me back to this. Because how could I take a break when she can't?
photo credit:
What keeps me fighting most days is a vision. A vision of something different.
A vision of children and women valued as treasured human beings, not sex objects.
A vision of healing for those who thought it once impossible.
A vision of an army of abolitionists, rising up to defend the defenseless, vulnerable, weak.
A vision of brothers who refuse to let their sisters be raped by strangers, who stand against their own parents who sell daughters to brothels and pimps.
A vision of reformed sex-buyers and traffickers who have come to their senses because they looked into the eyes of a girl and saw Jesus there.
A vision of prayers like continual cries, rising to the Father's ears and bringing Him glory when He delivers these souls into His Kingdom.
A vision of rescue for girls too young to know this evil.
A vision of rescue for girls too young to know this evil.
A vision of people who will stand up and say, "This is not funny."
A vision of a generation of girls who know they are worthy of being loved as a princess, because they have known the joy of being loved by the King.
A vision of many, many men and women who will just listen. Long and hard and with nothing but compassion.
A vision of intellectuals, professionals, politicians, and prosecutors who will speak up and do something.
A vision of many, many men and women who will just listen. Long and hard and with nothing but compassion.
A vision of intellectuals, professionals, politicians, and prosecutors who will speak up and do something.
A vision of fathers who open their eyes to an option other than poverty or selling their daughters - the option to be the provider of their families, as God calls and leads.
Do you see it too?
"There’s hope for your future,
declares the Lord.
Your children will return home!"
-Jeremiah 31:17 (CEB)
"There’s hope for your future,
declares the Lord.
Your children will return home!"
-Jeremiah 31:17 (CEB)
Lord, You see this vision too, don't You? I believe You can do this. Change our world. Free slaves. I have to believe in Your power to overcome, to redeem, restore, and revive. Without that faith, I won't be able to keep fighting this unspeakable, evil, terror-stricken, torture-driven horror. But with this faith in Your capable hands to change a human heart - I can keep going. Please return our children, humanity's children who belong to all of us, home. That is the only hope for our future. And if You are declaring it, then I choose to believe it again today.
edited re-post from earlier this year