Tuesday, November 26, 2013

When I Want To Stop Fighting

I'm gonna to be honest. Tuesdays aren't easy for me.  I committed to God that I would research, pray, educate myself, and promote awareness about Human Trafficking every Tuesday but ... it's painful.  

Some weeks I contemplate not doing any of it.  It's so hard to force myself to look at this horror.  It hurts to fill my mind with thoughts of children as young as four years old being raped in exchange for money (and often not even for exchange, but just as abuse).  And if you've been with me for the past few months on Tuesdays, I know you're probably feeling the same way.  Just to let you know, I have a passion to fight for abolition on the other days of the week too.  My research has been nearly non-stop.  And when I'm not researching, I'm often praying.  

The truth is, as much as I want to take a break, God keeps calling me back to this.  Because how could I take a break when she can't?

photo credit: joy.org

What keeps me fighting most days is a vision. A vision of something different.

A vision of children and women valued as treasured human beings, not sex objects.

A vision of healing for those who thought it once impossible.

A vision of an army of abolitionists, rising up to defend the defenseless, vulnerable, weak.

A vision of brothers who refuse to let their sisters be raped by strangers, who stand against their own parents who sell daughters to brothels and pimps.

A vision of reformed sex-buyers and traffickers who have come to their senses because they looked into the eyes of a girl and saw Jesus there.

A vision of prayers like continual cries, rising to the Father's ears and bringing Him glory when He delivers these souls into His Kingdom.

A vision of rescue for girls too young to know this evil.

A vision of people who will stand up and say, "This is not funny."

A vision of a generation of girls who know they are worthy of being loved as a princess, because they have known the joy of being loved by the King.

A vision of many, many men and women who will just listen.  Long and hard and with nothing but compassion.

A vision of intellectuals, professionals, politicians, and prosecutors who will speak up and do something.

A vision of fathers who open their eyes to an option other than poverty or selling their daughters - the option to be the provider of their families, as God calls and leads.

Do you see it too?

"There’s hope for your future,
    declares the Lord.
        Your children will return home!"
                 -Jeremiah 31:17 (CEB)

Lord, You see this vision too, don't You?  I believe You can do this. Change our world. Free slaves.  I have to believe in Your power to overcome, to redeem, restore, and revive.  Without that faith, I won't be able to keep fighting this unspeakable, evil, terror-stricken, torture-driven horror.  But with this faith in Your capable hands to change a human heart - I can keep going.  Please return our children, humanity's children who belong to all of us, home.  That is the only hope for our future. And if You are declaring it, then I choose to believe it again today.

edited re-post from earlier this year

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sabbath Bread {where a servant's eyes are}

"I lift my eyes to you,

    O God, enthroned in heaven.
We keep looking to the Lord our God for his mercy,
    just as servants keep their eyes on their master,
    as a slave girl watches her mistress for the slightest signal.
Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy ..." - Psalm 123:1-3a (NLT)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thankful {how to be every day}

I never want to allow gratitude to morph into a trendy slogan.

Thanksgiving is a popular thing to do on the fourth Thursday in November. I see people choosing gratitude daily in November.

I love the praise going up to God as we look for His gifts and turn to His face with gratitude on our lips and in our hearts. We enter His courts, bask in His presence, and are changed in His love.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays; I JUST love it. The joy of praising God for His goodness in faith and not doubt fills the room and permeates my being along with the fragrance of rich feasting food. I want to bottle up that spirit and save it for a cold, snowy day in February, when the gloomy clouds bear down and permeate my soul with frigid gusts.

Turns out - I can.

Not in a jar, but in a journal.

When we write down the blessings, gifts, goodness all around - we capture the warmth of joy in thankfulness nets. When I count His love on paper I can seal it as if it were in stone. And it's mine.

Thank you, precious reader for the privilege of sharing a few of my gifts and praising God in the nest here, today on this Thankful Thursday. Please feel free to slip a few of your own praises in the comments box below, and let us glorify His goodness together with our thanks.

- for rescuing 56 slaves yesterday, and helping the raid to be so successful, even though it had been previously tipped off. Thank You, Jesus for freedom, and freedom shared.

- a class full of young writers, enjoying the process of creation with words

- fresh, clean laundry

- time to browse at the library

- meditation that sustains through a fast better than bread

- sharing victory with L over the phone, and her prophetic word of healing for our group

- Mr. S letting me teach a grammar lesson

- money to put into the bank

- bright pink clouds of a sunrise, stretching so very far along the expanse

- a conversation with my son about Your plan for his life - and goodness that follows obedience

- chatting and laughing with K after school

- honeycrisp apple

- a warm wool sweater on a windy day

- Isaiah 1 - your grace to rescue, cleanse, and bless Your people

- sweet kisses from children

- Your anointing over prayer, like a mist of hope, drifting into the room where we call on Your Name

- this song, her voice, Your astounding Grace

Lord, thank You. I am overwhelmed.

Monday, November 18, 2013

a little bird told me ... {about friendship}

My apologies for not posting this on Saturday - technological difficulties and busy conference schedule. Thank you for grace.

Dear Robyn,
What makes for a great friend? I want to be a great friend, not just friendly. How do you choose friends for yourself? What is good to give and take? 

Dear Not Just Friendly,

What great questions! First of all, I want to say your desires are so valid - we all want to be givers in relationships, and not just takers. And choosing your friends is one of the most important decisions you can make. Let's take them one at a time, and see where we get, alright? {I'm writing mostly about friends of the feminine variety here, but just about all of the principles are valid across the board to guys too.}

Great friends are true and unconditional.  
   "A friend is always loyal" -Proverbs 17:17 (NLT)
They are brave enough to say it like it is - but gently. 
   "we will speak the truth in love" -Ephesians 4:15 (NLT)
They make promises of selfless love to one another, and keep them. 
   "And Jonathan made David reaffirm his vow of friendship again, for Jonathan loved David as he loved himself." - 1 Samuel 20:17 (NLT)
They speak good of each other, and never bad. 
   "They have told the church here of your loving friendship." -3 John 1:6 (NLT)
They pour good into each other and refuse to gossip or listen to gossip. This is how they honor God and each other's dignity.
   "Lord, who may enter your Holy Tent? Who may live on your holy mountain?  Only those who are innocent   and who do what is right. Such people speak the truth from their hearts and do not tell lies about others. They do no wrong to their neighbor and do not gossip." -Psalm 15:1-3 (NCV)
They accept one another's troubles and baggage, and make a safe place for each other's pain. 
   "By helping each other with your troubles, you truly obey the law of Christ."- Galatians 6:2 (NCV)
They refuse to let insecurity and comparison make fools and enemies of each other. 
   "She is clothed with strength and dignity" - Proverbs 31:25a (NIV)
They laugh at themselves and each other, and don't take one another too seriously. 
   "she can laugh at the days to come." -Proverbs 31:25b (NIV)

When I choose my friends I have learned (the hard way) to look for a few key signals:
1. Does she help me keep my priorities, or is she trying to take the place of my God, my husband, or my family? If she can be comfortable with her place and role in my life, I can begin to let her into my heart.
2. Does she talk about others negatively to me? If a friend is willing to gossip to you, she'll be willing to gossip about you
3. Does she point me back to Jesus and back to my husband when I'm discouraged? If someone tries too hard to carry too much of my load, or expect the reverse of me, I know that can never work. We can help each other without killing each other. 

As far as give and take, each relationship is unique, but overall I believe we can always aim to err on the side of love and grace. A little humility goes a long way. Lead with your ears and learn to be a good listener - this skill only comes in the practicing. Be generous with forgiveness, and know you'll need to receive healthy portions of it too. Hope is often the best gift, and joy is always better when shared. Give verses of encouragement from God's Word, and pray for each other fervently. Give your tears and your shoulder, and open your hands to the special ways your friend loves you. Find common interests and celebrate each other's differences. 

I love these verses when it comes to friendships:

So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it. Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way." - Colossians 3:12-17 (Msg)

I hope that helps, and I pray that Jesus will bless you with many beautiful friendships. 

Thank you for asking,


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

One More Day - Hire an Investigator, Rescue a Slave {25 by my 35th Challenge}

[I] should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ - Acts 20:35 (NLT)

Okay, then - I'll remember. 

This week, when I turn 35, I'll remember that. I don't want to receive anything special, but I DO want to give something pivotal. 


And I want you to help me. Give with me. Forget about receiving a few dollars a month, and be blessed.  When you give to this cause, it's a blessing that doesn't stop with you - it results in rescue. Slaves broken free of their chains and delivered into safe houses. Lives with a new start. No longer bound to violence, rape, brutality, coercion, or daily death threats. Boys, Girls, Women, even Men - free. 

If you could share freedom, would you? 

You can, Dear Reader. Today - you can be a part of a Search and Rescue Team. And you can be more blessed than when you received freedom by giving it to someone. 

And you can get texts like I get when it happens. Messages like this one:

Ugandan Girl FREE! In India, BRAVO team rescued pregnant trafficked woman.

Ready for this? It's the last day before Robyn's Challenge is over, and I'm not lying - I'd rather give freedom away than receive any gift for my 35th Birthday. Will you join my team of rescuers?

I want true life for you. The same life I felt rushing through me when I got my S&R package in the mail from The Exodus Road. The same life I felt exploding in me when I read that a slave was rescued, her virginity kept as a choice for her future and hope. The very same life pulsing when I pray for my investigators to have victory over evil whenever I see my stickers and key-chain and magnets with these words:

So here's my audacious goal, but feel free to blow me away, friends. 

I want 25 by my 35th.  

Twenty-five brave partners by the day I turn 35. It's just a few short hours away, but I believe in God and His miraculous freedom and love for each one. For you, Sweet One. For her. For humanity. Here's how.

Robyn's Challenge: Join my Team. Hire an investigator. Rescue a slave. It really is that simple.

  1. Check out how Search and Rescue works, and decide which team you want to be on. Alpha and Delta are in SE Asia, Bravo is in India, and Charlie is here in the US. (Also, if you want to know how TER manages the money we give, check this out.)
  2. Fill out the Donation Form, and use the resources God has blessed you with to fund rescue and freedom with The Exodus Road. For $35 a month (less than the cost of a new pair of jeans), you can hire a team of investigators and be a part of giving freedom to women and children trapped in the clutches of their traffickers. These people bust brothels, pedophiles, and trafficking rings, and bring justice. For Real. Please don't forget! Under the portion where it says "Additional information/Select Operating Project" PLEASE type a bird in the box. This is my code for my project -25 by my 35th.  For real - rescue is what I want for my birthday. Twenty-five of my readers and friends - on board to change the world. Listen - if by next November you aren't addicted to sharing freedom in this way, by all means opt out. I'm asking you to try it for just a year, though. I think it's worth it. For real.
  3. Please don't skip this part! Drop your name in the comments below, and tell me why you decided to be a part of bringing freedom to slaves. I'm going to be drawing a number (1-25 of the first readers who partner with me) out of a hat for a giveaway of Laura Parker's book, The Exodus Road, as well as a hand-made journal and a stack of my greeting cards. This is just an extra incentive and thank-you to my amazing readers who make this nest a place of God's joy. I'll contact you after my birthday to let you know you won, and get your mailing address. 
  4. Like and share this post on Facebook/retweet on Twitter/share with your social network via email, because I'll bet your friends care about slaves too. (There are some handy buttons for you right down there at the bottom.)
"If we are dying of thirst, passively reading books about water quenches little; the only way to quench the parched mouth is to close the book and dip the hand into water and bring it to the lips. If we thirst, we'll have to drink." - Ann Voskamp

Our world is thirsting for freedom. Humanity pants for justice. Let us partake of the Fountain, and then be the vessel that quenches freedom's thirst. 

Lord Jesus- You know, and You see. Please help me and my readers bring freedom and love to modern-day slaves. This is what You came for and whom you died for, and it's what we do when we follow You. Thank You - I'm so thankful to be a part of YOUR freedom-fighting team. Help us to keep fighting, until everyone is free. Amen

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sabbath Bread { If you ... }

“Come. Sit down. Let’s argue this out.”

    This is God’s Message:
“If your sins are blood-red,
    they’ll be snow-white.
If they’re red like crimson,
    they’ll be like wool.
If you’ll willingly obey,
    you’ll feast like kings.
But if you’re willful and stubborn,
    you’ll die like dogs.”
That’s right. God says so.

-Isaiah 1:18-20 (Message)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Are You Ever Curious?

I'd like to extend my Saturday invitation to you, Sweet Reader. Have you ever wanted to ask a question about life, God, the Bible, relationships, people, church, or anything? (That last one is scary, but that's why I need the Holy Spirit to write through me.) Go ahead and ask me!  I'll do some research and write back to you next week here in the nest. My answers come from the Bible, revelation from God (as He generously gives - see James 1), and personal experience. And then, when it comes up in your conversations with others, you can always say, "Well, a little bird once told me ..." *wink*

Go ahead, courageous soul - type your question right down there in the comments box and keep it anonymous. I think it's also fun to sign it with a clever salutation, like "Drowning In Sorrow" or "Wishing Life Was Easy" or "Wondering What You Think"

I can't wait to read your questions!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankful on Thursdays {what a little gratitude can do}

Our hands can teach us amazing truths.

My mother taught my toddlers to count five fingers and five blessings every day. It's still a part of our bed-time ritual, even as they approach adolescence. 

Because gratitude opens our hands and our eyes to see God.

... chronic worry drives a wedge between us and God. ... Fortunately, we can banish fear and worry. I've seen the treatment work time and time again in the lives of my patients. They have shown me that a constant attitude of thanksgiving breaks the grip of fear. These patients, in addition to facing their own surgery, may have family members who are dying; they may have financial problems; or they may be struggling in a personal relationship. They're certainly sad at times as they grapple with the problems in their lives, but they're not worried. They're thankful for God, and they continually feel His presence. They are thankful for all of the ways He provides for them, including the surgery that will help them. Because of their faith, they can look beyond their struggles and see God at work. They have the same concerns and problems any of us face, but they choose not to worry. They choose to be thankful.   - James P. Gills, MD in Rx for Worry: A Thankful Heart

I couldn't say it better.  

Every day I count. Thursdays I share a few. Please feel free to glorify God by slipping a few of your own counted blessings in the comments section below. Because we can choose this.

- a little boy in a brown suit and striped beanie - dancing at the coffee shop

- fun studying spelling words in the car with J

- the variety of color on the trees this year- hills ablaze with leaves like a beautiful flame

- you are my Constant: like the guarantee of math concepts - always true, always the same, never unfaithful

- the "magic" of repentance and reconciliation - this, our ministry

- strength I need to stand my ground instead of clamming up or giving up

- K & J - pleasant and precious, every day

- for purchasing the right to be sovereign over me, with Your Blood. I give you the control you own again this morning

- adorable little girl with black hair and slanted eyes, enjoying a bagel and cream cheese, licking the creamy knife, all absorbed in her breakfast

- testimony of a friend, how You spoke to her through a song in church and put Your love on full display

- a Ugandan slave, rescued by my Bravo Team

- L opening up in my Life Group - being vulnerable, shedding tears, our sacred group becoming a safe place to share pain

- Your grace - enough. Even for this.

- J working hard with his sparring buddies at Jiu Jitsu 

- "Take control of what I say, O LORD, and guard my lips. Don't let me drift toward evil or take part in acts of wickedness. Don't let me share in the delicacies of those who do wrong." -Psalm 141:3-4 (NLT) ... and a poem through my hand - Your encouragement to keep me firm and strong.

- sunlight through the slats, making planks of gold on the table beside me

- "Life is worth the living, just because He lives

Thank You

Jesus - thank You for all of this I could never earn, never deserve, never be worthy of. Thank You for love, the source of Your great grace. Thank You for dispelling my worry and fear as I choose gratitude, and for teaching me how to cope with life's worry and pain this way until Your return. You have my all.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Simple Like Paul

"This humble soul loved, and that was all." -Victor Hugo

Reading through the book of Acts once again, I'm struck by Paul's simple faith. Over and over he proclaims the same simple message:

"I was a religious murderer of Christ's followers until God struck me blind, and Jesus revealed Himself to me as Lord. After that I was convinced of the Message of Grace, which I learned from the testimony of His Life, Death, and Resurrection. I began to tell other people about this Message, traveling wherever I could go with the same Good News to any people who would listen and believe."

I'm serious - that's virtually the whole book in one paragraph. Am I wrong?

He was bitten by a snake,
he preached Jesus to the lost.

He was slapped and refuted,
he spoke the Truth of the Gospel.

He was rejected by his brothers,
he told them more about Jesus.

He was chased out of town,
he preached Jesus in a different town.

He was thrown in jail,
he preached Salvation to the guards.

He was beaten and flogged,
he praised God and preached the Gospel of Resurrection again.

He was forbidden to speak in the Synagogue,
he preached Jesus to the Gentiles.

He went without pay,
he preached Jesus while building tents.

People tried to worship him,
he showed them how to worship Christ.

He was imprisoned for years at a time,
he preached Grace through faith in Jesus via letters delivered to churches by his friends.

"We do not preach about ourselves, but we preach that Jesus Christ is Lord and that we are your servants for Jesus." 
-2 Corinthians 4:5 (NCV)

It's not complicated - Paul did whatever he could to fulfill his anointed calling to bring Jesus to the highways and byways, the culturally diverse, the worst of law-breakers, and anyone who would listen. Some received Christ. Sone did not. It was simple, but not easy. He wasn't deterred. Come persecution, suffering, discouragement, or thorns - it mattered not. 

Paul's simple mission, life, prayer, activity, word, pursuit, and devotion was to bring people closer to Christ and Christ closer to people.

I will not be ashamed if anyone ever accuses me of the same.

God has spoken! Speaking claims hearing. God asks but one thing; it is so simple and right; that we should listen. Shall we not hearken, in holy reverence and worship, with wholehearted attention and surrender, to what He would say to us in this Epistle too? ... It is the heart God wants; let us open the whole heart to listen and to long. - Andrew Murray

Lord, I long for simple. Just one thing - to bring Christ through me to others. Nothing more and nothing less. I will not be satisfied with a complicated mess of distracted "churchy" or "religious" things. I'm surrendered to You and Your plan to preach through me to reach lost souls for Your Kingdom. Thank You for the undeserved privilege that is, Jesus. I have no other choice. Your love compels me to love You back.

Photo credit: Tim Laman

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

One more week of this challenge: 25 by my 35th {uncontaminated hope}

Even my kids are catching onto this freedom thing. This lovely daughter of mine has an assignment for school - What would you do if you were president for a day? "I would free all the slaves in America today." 

And there it is - hope uncontaminated.

"Everything that is done in the world is done by hope." - Martin Luther

"Faith is the assurance of things you have hoped for, the absolute conviction that there are realities you’ve never seen." - Hebrews 11:1 (VOICE)

I want something good for you, Dear Reader. I want true life for you, life full of hope, and that uncontaminated. The same life I felt rushing through me when I got my S&R package in the mail from The Exodus Road. The same life I felt exploding in me when I read that a slave was rescued, her virginity kept as a choice for her future and hope. The very same life pulsing when I pray for my investigators to have victory over evil whenever I see my stickers and key-chain and magnets with these three words:

"My dear brothers and sisters, stay firmly planted—be unshakable—do many good works in the name of God, and know that all your labor is not for nothing when it is for God." - 1 Corinthians 15:58 (VOICE)

So here's my audacious goal, but feel free to blow me away, friends. 

I want 25 by my 35th.  

Twenty-five brave new partners by the day I turn 35 next week. It's just a few short days away, but I believe in God and His miraculous freedom and love for each one. For you, Sweet One. For the woman from Uganda and her baby. For the boy and the girl here on our streets. For humanity. Here's how.

Robyn's Challenge: Join my Team. Hire an investigator. Rescue a slave. It really is that simple.

  1. Check out how Search and Rescue works, and decide which team you want to be on. Alpha and Delta are in SE Asia, Bravo is in India, and Charlie is here in the US. (Also, if you want to know how The Exodus Road manages the money we give, check this out.)
  2. Fill out the Donation Form, and use the resources God has blessed you with to fund rescue and freedom with The Exodus Road. For $35 a month (less than the cost of a new pair of jeans), you can hire a team of investigators and be a part of giving freedom to women, boys, and girls trapped in the clutches of their traffickers. These people bust brothels, pedophiles, and trafficking rings, and bring justice. For Real. Please don't forget! Under the portion where it says "Additional information/Select Operating Project" PLEASE type a bird in the box. This is my code for my project -25 by my 35th.  For real - rescue is what I want for my birthday. Twenty-five of my readers and friends - on board to change the world. Listen - if by next November you aren't addicted to sharing freedom in this way, by all means opt out. I'm asking you to try it for just a year, though. I think it's worth it. For real.
  3. Please don't skip this part! Drop your name in the comments below, and tell me why you decided to be a part of bringing freedom to slaves. I'm going to be drawing a number (1-25 of the first readers who partner with me) out of a hat for a giveaway of Laura Parker's book, The Exodus Road, as well as a hand-made journal and a stack of my greeting cards. This is just an extra incentive and thank-you to my amazing readers who make this nest a place of God's joy. I'll contact you after my birthday to let you know you won, and get your mailing address. 
  4. Like and share this post on Facebook/retweet on Twitter/share with your social network via email, because I'll bet your friends care about slaves too. (I have some handy buttons for you right down there, next to "# comments" link.) Us bloggers love when you help us out like that.
And you can start receiving texts like this one when our team reports in:

FREEDOM! 12 yr-old girl rescued early this morning! Her mom and pimp were selling her virginity for $2000 USD. BRAVO Team rescued her and arrested perpetrators.

"If we are dying of thirst, passively reading books about water quenches little; the only way to quench the parched mouth is to close the book and dip the hand into water and bring it to the lips. If we thirst, we'll have to drink." - Ann Voskamp

Our world is thirsting for freedom. Even my daughter, free as she is, longs to share her freedom with the enslaved. Humanity pants for justice. Let us partake of the Fountain, and then be the vessel that quenches freedom's thirst.

Thank you for being on freedom's team.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sabbath Bread {if you ask}

"You know this as well as I do: even if you didn’t care that this fellow was your friend, if he keeps knocking long enough, you’ll get up and give him whatever he needs simply because of his brash persistence!

So listen: Keep on asking, and you will receive. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened for you. All who keep asking will receive, all who keep seeking will find, and doors will open to those who keep knocking."

-Luke 11:8-10

Praying, asking, praising in persistence with you, Dear One.