Father - You know this is happening today and You refuse to turn a blind eye. Thank You for Your eyes that see, and cry. Thank You for Your hands that are holding the wisdom of what it will take to free this generation's slaves. And for sharing it with us. I pray that at least one and hopefully many of my readers today will allow their hearts to break for the oppressed. Give us Your soft and compassionate heart, Lord. Take these stones and breathe life into us again today. And help us to shine Your light into the darkness and bring hope to these precious lives.
First: a video about the real statistics, and the hope to change them:
Twenty-five years. Keep fighting.
Next, some real stories of children trafficked - horrors no human being should ever face. This is injustice in its finest hour, and I won't look away until we usher this hour of slavery out of our present and into our past.
I want you to read the entirety of this e-zine, but if you only have time for one page, flip six times to the dps (double page spread) that begins "Sometimes menus are handed ..." {and then come back to me, Dear Heart}
And now tell me you aren't angry enough to punch a wall. I am. If you ask me, this is what the Bible refers to in Romans 1 as "inventing new ways of sinning":
"Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy." -Romans 1:29-31 (NLT)
Finally, today - here in the nest - we take a big-picture look at the numbers, but we remember that each number is a person. A soul with a future. A heart with dreams and hopes. A living, still-breathing individual for whom the Father's heart breaks. May we, like a friend this past week, see a vision of the one among all of these numbers ...
image credit: msn.com
Ready to fight, friends? Are you ready to armor-up? Then here's your orders:
1. Pray. Pray. Pray. Every day - ask the Father to rescue these lives and give them a place, a family, a friend, a church, and open door to Jesus and eternity. For more prayer prompts, see the Human Trafficking prayer guide from A21
2. Speak out. Do you have a blog, website, facebook, twitter, or tumblr? Get these facts out there - because I must believe that if people knew, they would change. They would fight too.
3. Donate - many non-profit organizations, faith-based ministries, and businesses are working on the front lines of rescue, restoration, and freedom, but they need our help to fund them. I can't think of anything better to do with my money than free a slave. Can you? Here are a few I like, but I encourage you to do your own research. Just don't let it stop at research. We must work together to make this happen.
The Exodus Road:
click here
click here
f.r.e.e. International:
click here

Oh, Jesus - injustice breaks us and we allow ourselves to be broken. Because that's what You did. Like bread, Your body was torn, and in our gratitude we choose to love those You love. If our hearts need to bleed for this injustice, we'll surrender to that. If we need to cry a few more tears to move our feet to action, we'll let those tears fall. If we need to sacrifice some financial comfort for the sake of freedom - thank You for the privilege of sharing in Your sacrificial suffering. Please ... Oh, God would You please end this. Let us see Your glory as You demonstrate Your great rescuing, redeeming love.
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